Hi there! We carefully detailed all the services we offer. Please go through it and if you still have questions or not sure which service best fit your needs feel free to book a ( 20 minutes Phone Consultation) so we can address your concerns together “over the phone”. Currently we do have 2 Libbe Open Systems which allows convenience for couples & friends session to start and end at the same time. To Contact Us: (415) 810-3785

Colonic | Colon Hydrotherapy | Colon Irrigation

WHAT IS COLON HYDROTHERAPY: Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colon irrigation or colonic, is a method of removing waste from the large colon without the use of chemical or drugs. It is a gentle way of instilling temperature controlled filtered water through (a tiny straw), sterile, one time use disposable rectal nozzle. As the water softens the matter inside, resulting in elimination thro... Read More


Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colon irrigation or colonic, is a method of removing waste from the large colon without the use of chemical or drugs. It is a gentle way of instilling temperature controlled filtered water through (a tiny straw), sterile, one time use disposable rectal nozzle. As the water softens the matter inside, resulting in elimination through natural peristalsis.


Our large colon isn't just the "sewer system" it is also our water reservoir! 80% the liquids we intake are all stored inside our large colon along with B1--B12, Trace Minerals & Electrolytes and lastly waste matter! Our plasma (blood) is 90% water and makes up more than half of total blood volume. Other 10% is protein molecules, including enzymes, clotting agents, immune system components, vitamins and hormones. Now if 90% of our blood is made of water coming from our large colon... Can you imagine how toxic one's body might be if your colon is impacted with ancient waste matter? A healthy digestive tract is the base that support a healthy immune system.

Large colon is also a reflex organ with electrical connections to all body parts and systems. When waste accumulates over a long period of time the colon wall will starts to weaken, thin out and become toxic. The body reacts by becoming sluggish, sensitive and inflamed.

Some of the symptoms that are common are: coated tongue, bad breath & body odor, sallow complexion, dark circles under the eyes, cold hands & feet, brittle nails & hair, array of skin issues, tension, fatigue, allergies, indigestion & bloating, chronic headaches, irritability, anxiety, nausea, depression, muscle soreness... just to name a few.


The Client undresses from the waist down and is properly draped during session. A straw size rectum nozzle is gently inserted in privacy. Colonic nozzle are sterile, one time use, disposables. Water flows through a 5 micron Carbon Filter which removes any sediment, rust, or chlorine. The water is then purified by an Ultra Violet Purification System, before it passes through the rectum nozzle. Water flows gently into the rectum and waste matter releases naturally.

A gentle slow rate of UV purified-temperature safe water is fed from the gravity-fed Column. 5 to 10 gallons of water may be used during the session at a safe temperature of 98 F. to 102 F. (36.8ºC to 38.ºC) Water temperature is safely controlled and adjusted. An Odor Exhaust System insures that the session room and entire center remains odor free.

LIBBE has over 3 feet of clear viewing tube, which allows the client to easily view everything that's coming out without any odor. Modesty is protected at all times. A trained therapist is always nearby to monitor and provide client assistance and comfort as needed.


The LIBBE is registered with the FDA as a Class II medical device. LIBBE’s are manufactured in compliance with strict FDA guidelines that dictate rigorous accountability. Features include temperature controlled water and back flow prevention valves, pressure and temperature sensors, water purification, and disinfecting standards. Each client has a new one time use nozzle. Each device is thoroughly cleaned in accordance with standards from the FDA, I-ACT and LIBBE manufacture. At Mission Colonics we also maintain very high cleaning standards not only for the device, but for treatment room, bathroom and the entire facility as a whole.

Internal Cleanse Consultation (Beyond Large Colon)

WHY WE SHOULD CLEANSE: As we age we get an accumulation of toxicity buildup within our body and it’s not pretty. These excess toxins will first appear as physical and mental health symptoms as early as 20’s in the forms of: chronic fatigue, headaches, insomnia, anxieties & mood swings & depression, an array of skin issues, body odor, inflammation of muscles & joints, bloating & gassing, con... Read More


As we age we get an accumulation of toxicity buildup within our body and it’s not pretty. These excess toxins will first appear as physical and mental health symptoms as early as 20’s in the forms of: chronic fatigue, headaches, insomnia, anxieties & mood swings & depression, an array of skin issues, body odor, inflammation of muscles & joints, bloating & gassing, constipation, GI Issues and finally leading up to a compromised Immune System ultimately opening up our body to an array of diseases.

Major Source of Toxin:

* Inherited inside the womb
* Food
* Water
* Air
* Stress | Excessive Hormones
* Immediate Environment You Live & Work
* Beauty & Personal Products
* House Cleaning Agents

The modern industry has increased toxic chemicals, harsh pollutants in the air we breath and pesticides in the food we eat, most household items & personal care products all contain toxic chemicals, these toxins are trapped within our body. While these harmful toxins should not stay within our body in the first place… Our body’s detoxifying organs do work together to help eliminate these trapped toxins therefore it’s important that our detoxing organs are periodically cleaned so they can perform at normal capacity.


Our 6 Detoxifying Organs

Skin: While our skin is our largest detoxing organ by mass...

Liver: The liver is responsible for functions vital to life. Our liver primarily processes nutrients & toxins coming from the small intestine, filters all metabolic toxins within our blood. The liver also produces bile, a fluid that helps break down fat and builds proteins. Its main job within the digestive system is to process the nutrients absorbed from the small intestine. Now if your small intestine ( 25-28 feet long ) is clogged up with ancient food residue build ups then this toxicity naturally passes on into your blood and adds more work for your liver = Sluggish Liver.

Kidney: Each kidney has a very complex structure and function. They have two important functions namely: to flush out harmful and toxic waste products and to maintain balance of water, fluids, minerals and chemicals i.e., electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, etc.

Lungs: The respiratory system's main job is to move fresh air into your body while removing waste gases.

Colon: The primary role of the colon, which is about ( 5-8 feet long ), is to reabsorb water so that a solid stool is formed. Hence, our colon is a “Sewer System & Water Reservoir”. Very little to no vitamin and mineral absorption occurs in the colon. This is why at Mission Colonics we don’t offer added implants other than coffee enema for this reason.

Lymphatic System: Part of our immune system, it has many functions. They include protecting our body from illness-causing invaders, maintaining body fluid levels, absorbing digestive tract fatty lipids and removing cellular waste. The lymphatic system helps defend the body against illness-causing germs, bacteria, viruses and fungi. The system builds immunity by making special white blood cells ( called lymphocytes ) that produce antibodies which are responsible for immune responses that defend the body against invaders.


We have an integrative approach: Internal + External = Best Results Getting Rid of Toxicity

At Mission Colonics we recognize there are many paths to getting rid of toxins in our body. Therefore we embrace an integrative approach when it comes to detoxing. Numerous times when we integrate combine [ Internal Detoxification Supplements + External FDA Approved Medical Device ] the results we witness are much more gratifying and effective in releasing much more physical & metabolic toxins, resetting our body, restoring balance all within a much shorter frame of time.

Internally we mainly work with physician lines ( backed by manufacturer's licensing ) with focuses on: Immunity | Liver Detox | Gut Health | Toxic Heavy Metals | Skin Health | Melasma & Pigmentation | Weight Management to work synergistically in conjunction with FDA approved external detoxing medical devices.

The majority of consumers aren’t aware but currently the higher end supplement brands created for physicians in mind are mainly recipes coming from ancient wisdom from our ancestors Eastern Medicine | TCM | Ayurveda and backed by modern day science & research.

In a cleanse program consultation we will pair you with the right internal supplements + right external detox device to improve your health concerns.


Preventive Care = Your Routine Care. Helps to prevent serious illnesses and medical problems before they become a major health issue. At Mission Colonics we get asked "How Often Should I be detoxing?" by our clients all the time. Our humble response is we believe wellness is a lifestyle and the key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle lies all within preventative care = Your routine care.

Only "you know" your habits! A routine care is most effective to offset all that you accumulated in between that time frame. If you don't think 1 time a year would be enough to offset all your bad lifestyle habits then consider quarterly or monthly whichever serves your body’s needs.

If you are with slower metabolism or chronic constipation / smoking / drinking / eating bad / health symptoms of a toxic body - Then might be of great benefit to set your preventative care routine at every other month or monthly basis. After all, when it comes to cleanse and detoxing consistency is the key; not once in a blue moon.


There is a paradigm / sequence when it comes to detoxing our body. Whatever organ closest to the "exit door = rectum" needs to be clear out first. This means if you like to do a Liver Cleanse then you should first cleanse your Small Intestine & Large Colon before you move up to the Liver. Think of your Liver as the Kitchen Sink and your Small Intestine & Large Colon as your kitchen pipes. Why would you clog up your kitchen pipe more by cleaning your kitchen sink first?

At Mission Colonics your health is our priority. If you have been experiencing symptoms that are being mentioned or you would like to understand more about the root cause of your problems and how to go about improving it then please feel free to book a cleanse consultation so we can best create an action plan tailor to your health concerns.

You can always start by booking a Complimentary Initial Consultation (for 15 min) before moving forward to booking a Cleanse Program Consultation.

Colonic Packages

Packages are paid upfront to receive the discounted sessions + have no time limit. It's a better way for regulars to save cost.

MISSION COLONICS is located in San Francisco’s vibrant Mission District.

Kaureen Timur is our clinic director with an RN medical background as well as certified in Colon Hydrotherapy by I-ACT.

These are important credentials for ANY patient looking for colonic, as the state of California does not regulate the practice of colon hydrotherapy.

Unfortunately, most colonic establishments in California are operated by individuals who have no medical background and formal training on the human body or is familiar with detoxification pathways.

FDA APPROVED DEVICE Our clinic use modern state-of-the-art FDA approved Libbe Open System for colonics and Balancer Pro for lymphatic detox.

FIRST VISIT to our clinic you will be asked to complete an online Colonic Questionnaire before your appointment. This information will help us determine any pre-existing health issues and understand your current symptoms.

Once you completed Colonic Questionnaire we can go over your Health & Wellness goals or treatment plans over the phone before setting up any appointment.

UPON YOUR APPOINTMENT our focus is your entire wellness, not just your intestinal health. Plus, you’ll receive proper guidance and pairing to exclusive physician line supplements.

DISINFECTANT for hard surface we use Cetylcide-II Concentrate is an EPA-registered, hospital disinfectant effective against 140+ disease-causing organisms including; HIV, MRSA, VRE, HBV,  Influenza A, Brazil Virus (H1N1), and Human Coronavirus Covid-19.

HYGIENE we use one time use steril disposable rectal nozzles. In addition, we ensure the quality of our colonic by utilizing a sophisticated 2 stage water filtration system with UV light process that kills water borne microorganisms.

MISSION COLONICS is located in San Francisco’s vibrant Mission District. Kaureen Timur is our cl... Read More

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